Open to the world, the University of Porto promotes, as an integrated part of its activities, the welcoming of international academic staff to undertake mobility periods for teaching purposes and other internationalization activities.
Each year, the U.Porto offers around 1000 places for teaching mobility, in the framework of different programmes such as the Erasmus+ Programme, but also within cooperation bilateral agreements established with institutions around the world.
The professors interested in undertaking a mobility period at the U.Porto, can submit a proposal with their expression of interest by two means:
1. Through a direct contact with a professor in the scientific area of interest;
2. If there is no specific contact in the scientific area of interest, the International Office, through the e-mail, is available to give the necessary support in providing of the most suitable contacts, always in connection with the Faculty.
Notice: we recommend to always verify the existence of a valid agreement between the Home University and the U.Porto for teaching staff mobility, in the intended scientific area.
Staff coming to the University of Porto from countries outside of the European Union must travel with a valid visa, according to the purpose and duration of the stay. Staff whose nationality requires a visa must apply for it at the competent Portuguese consular office in their home country.
The recommended type of visa for visiting staff is the Short Stay Visa (Schengen), which allows entry and stay in Portugal for up to 90 days. Click here for more information about Short Stay Visas.
For additional information about visas and required documentation, please consult the Ministry of Foreign Affairs website.
The University of Porto organizes several International Staff Training Weeks open to administrative staff from different departments such as International Cooperation, Human Resources or Academic Affairs.
We open the University of Porto to our partners and to all interested foreign universities in order to strengthen international cooperation by encouraging the exchange of best practices and experiences.
The programme is designed with the intention to offer an enriching international and intercultural learning experience and the opportunity to dis cuss interesting and important topics.
The issues are typically exposed through interactive group sessions including workshops and short certificated training courses, among others activities. We hope that the International Staff Training Week of the University of Porto will be a valuable experience and give an insight of the work of our Institution to our partners and other foreign universities.
Join the next InterweekBusiness Administration, PhD
University of Berlin
Administrative Assistant,
University of Berlin
If you have personally experienced an international exchange programme, we would like you to share your first-hand knowledge with others
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