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Resident Associate Researchers Network (Peru)

  23 de janeiro de 2017


O International Center for Studies and Research - Cusco vai lançar o Resident Associate Researchers Network. Se viajar para o Peru para uma visita de curta ou longa duração para realizar uma investigação, pode fazer parte da nossa comunidade universitária, sem nenhum custo, como Resident Associate Researcher, status que lhe oferece os seguintes benefícios:

  • Apoio institucional da USIL (cartas de recomendação quando solicitadas)
  • Direito de usar as instalações do nosso campus: biblioteca, laboratório de informática, Wi-Fi
  • Orientação e apoio logístico por parte do nosso pessoal
  • Contactos institucionais mediante solicitação
  • Apoio em caso de emergência

Se quer sentir-se em casa durante sua visita de investigação a Cusco, é muito bem-vindo na USIL.

Além do acima descrito associado à adesão gratuita ao Resident Associate Researchers Network, oferecemos opcionalmente tutoria/supervisão qualificada para o seu projeto de pesquisa por um dos nossos professores, mediante pagamento.

A sua candidatura será avaliada pelas autoridades académicas da USIL e receberá uma carta de aceitação.

Contactos: e

"Postdoctoral Researchers International Mobility Experience - P.R.I.M.E." (Alemanha)

  20 de janeiro de 2017


Mais informações estão disponíveis aqui.

Oportunidades de estágio - Univates

  6 de janeiro de 2017


A Univates oferece, por meio de parceria com a empresa Interact Solutions, oportunidade de estágio remunerado aos estudantes estrangeiros que venham à nossa instituição. São vagas para analista de qualidade de software; desenvolvedor de software e tradutor, para atuação já no próximo semestre (fevereiro - julho de 2017). Esta oferta é renovada semestralmente, em conformidade com as demandas da empresa, mas pode ser utilizada como base para os seus estudantes que tenham interesse em vir à Univates em 2017B.

Os alunos podem estudar, ao mesmo tempo em que estagiam para obter auxílio à manutenção do período em que estiverem conosco. Além disso, esta é uma ótima oportunidade para a inserção dos estudantes no mercado de trabalho e de adquirir experiência profissional, ao mesmo tempo em que proporciona o entendimento da cultura de negócios do Brasil.

Sobre a empresa

A Interact Solutions é uma empresa brasileira de pesquisa e desenvolvimento de softwares, e atua no mercado de tecnologia da informação desde 1999. Atualmente, ocupa uma reconhecida posição de liderança no Brasil em pesquisa e desenvolvimento de sistemas para a gestão corporativa. É detentora do consagrado Suite SA – Strategic Adviser, que integra soluções avançadas para a Gestão da Estratégia, Gestão da Qualidade e Processos, Gestão de Competências, Gestão de Riscos, Gestão de Projetos e Gestão de Clientes.

Aqueles que tiverem interesse, podem entrar em contato conosco pelo e-mail

Será um prazer receber aos vossos alunos nos próximos semestres!

Forte abraço,

Marina Radavelli
Mobilidade Incoming / Incoming Mobility
Assessoria para Assuntos Interinstitucionais e Internacionais
Centro Universitário Univates
Tel. +55 51 3714-7019

Mais informações e detalhes estão disponíveis aqui

Estágio remunerado em hotel (Ásia)

  3 de janeiro de 2017


Estágio Erasmus+ no festival anual Nordischer Klang (Alemanha)

  21 de dezembro de 2016


Vagas para Investigadores Associados e Professores na The Royal Academy (Butão)

  16 de dezembro de 2016


Greetings from the Kingdom of Bhutan!

The Royal Academy is a visionary initiative of His Majesty The King that recognizes the critical role of education in enriching the lives of people & society; nurturing successive generations of leaders; narrowing emerging economic & social disparities; and building a strong, secure and prosperous nation.

Comprising an Education Research Centre, a Teacher Development Centre and a co-educational residential School (Grades VII to XII at full capacity), The Royal Academy is guided by a philosophy that focuses on the holistic development of individuals.  The aim is to help them to actualise their innate potential across all areas of development – cerebral, physical, social, emotional and spiritual – and, in the process, enabling them to become exceptional leaders and good human beings.

In view of the above, The Royal Academy is putting together a team of Research Associates (up to nine vacancies) who will be responsible for developing & evolving a unique curriculum for students, a design & framework for assessing their learning and a system for validating the assessment process along with programmes & activities for the professional development of teachers. Furthermore, we are strengthening our team of Teachers (up to six vacancies) who will be responsible for planning, organising, and delivering instructional programmes in their area of expertise to support the development of students. They will also be responsible for undertaking research, and/or teacher development, and pastoral activities to support achievement of the Academy’s vision and philosophy

Further information about the vacancies and the application process as well as access to the Stage I Application Form can be viewed by clicking on the following link to our website.

It may be noted that though it is preferable that the Research Associates should be willing to live in & work from our campus in Paro, Bhutan, we are also happy to receive applications from exceptional candidates who are unable to relocate in case it is felt that they could contribute effectively from their own homes, particularly in this day & age where technology connects us all. However, the Teachers will have to work in our campus in Paro, Bhutan.

I would be grateful if you could circulate information about these vacancies through the International Office at the University of Porto so that we could benefit from their participation in our application process leading up to a potential employment opportunity.

In case you have any queries, please feel free to reach out to me.

Warm regards,

Arun Kapur
Director, The Royal Academy
(His Majesty’s Secretariat)

Estágio Erasmus na Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena (Espanha)

  5 de dezembro de 2016


We are very glad to announce the opening of a new opportunity for a Student Mobility Placement at the Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena under the Erasmus+ Programme.

This initiative will allow your Erasmus Students  to fully participate and understand all the different aspects concerning the running of an International Relations Office, while carrying out the typical tasks related to International Programmes.

Knowledge, skills and competence to be acquired: 

  • Language skills (English and Spanish)
  • Getting familiar with the programmes (ERASMUS, LEONARDO, VULCANUS, etc.) 
  • Dealing with bilateral agreements with universities all over the world 
  • Dealing with Mentor’s programme 
  • Organizing activities for incoming and outgoing students

Detailed programme of the training period:

At the beginning the trainee will learn and try to familiarize with the work that is carried at the office. The trainee will participate in the office activities and will learn about the administrative side of the work. Then the trainee will help and assist in the work and processes carried at our International Relations Office and collaborate with the described current activity. The trainee will stay at least 6 months.

Tasks of the trainee:

  • Help in dealing with international programmes 
  • Providing students and teachers with information about international programmes 
  • Help in dealing with bilateral agreements with universities all over the world 
  • Help with the Mentor's Programme 
  • Help with creating and supervising materials for incoming and outgoing students and professors 
  • Help in organizing activities for outgoing and incoming students

Monitoring and evaluation plan:

  • Final evaluation will take place at the end of the training period.

Don't miss this opportunity to spend a training period at the UPCT in the sunny Cartagena!

Best regards,

International Relations Office
Technical University of Cartagena
Plaza del Cronista Isidoro Valverde
Edificio "La Milagrosa" - 30202 - Cartagena (Spain)
Telf: +34 968 32 5922
Telf: +34 968 32 5971
Fax: +34 968 32 5972

Estágio Erasmus na U.Barcelona Economics an Business Unit

  2 de dezembro de 2016


We are looking for an Erasmus placement to work at the UB Economics and Business unit during next term.

The UB Economics and Business unit coordinates research and offers graduate and executive education in the fields of economics and business at the Faculty of Economics and Business of the University of Barcelona (UB).

Please check the job description here.

The preferred duration is: January/February 2017 – End of June/July 2017 (shorter periods will be also considered).

Best regards,

Montse Cervera
International Relations Coordinator/Outgoing coordinator

Faculty of Economics and Business
Universitat de Barcelona
Avda. Diagonal, 696
08034 – Barcelona
Tel- +34 93 402 44 66

Estágios para estudantes em Brno (República Checa)

  2 de dezembro de 2016


Programa Golondrina para estudantes com origens de Murcia (Espanha)

  30 de novembro de 2016


The Golondrina Programme is addressed to students who are descendant from Murcian residents throughout America or Europe.

The aim of Golondrina is to strengthen the links among the Murcian people beyond the limits of our region. This programme offers the students the possibility of studying during one academic semester at the University of Murcia in Spain with a grant that covers accommodation, living expenses, medical insurance, travel costs and tuition fee.

The collaboration between the Autonomous Community of the Region of Murcia, through the Presidential Office, and the University of Murcia has made possible the development of this mobility programme.

The deadline to apply is December 16th 2016 and the applications must be sent to along with all the required documentation (see call here).

More information through the International Relations Office of the University of Murcia:

Ed. Rector Soler, 2* planta
Telf. 34 868 884074
Fax. 34 868 884130