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Classes without borders

  December 16th 2015


International students give "lessons" in Porto schools

The U.Porto has implemented an innovative project with local authorities, such as the Porto City Hall, named Classes without Borders under which it invites international students to present their home country to school children. International Students and Teachers are also able to share with young Portuguese students their experience at UPorto.

More than 40 international students from the University of Porto participated in the "Classes without Borders" project, an initiative promoted by the University and the Porto City Council, within the "Porto de Futuro" program. On the last day of the 2015 edition of the project, a student from Syria and another from India went to show the history and culture of their respective countries to the students of Escola EB 2/3 e Secundária Clara de Resende.

Moroccan scholarship holder makes a video about her experience in Porto.

  October 26th 2015


A scholarship holder from the Fatima Alfihri Project in Morocco, who finished this month her master's degree at ICBAS, produced a video about her study experience in Oporto: