

« InterNews

Oferta de estágio na CHE Consult Prague

  28 de novembro de 2016


I am contacting you on behalf of CHE Consult Prague s.r.o. with an Erasmus+ internship opportunity for your alumni or students who are about to finish their master degree in statistics, sociology or psychology.

We are looking for a candidate with an experience with on-line surveys and analysis as well as a solid knowledge of statistical tools, esp. SPSS or similar. The candidate should be interested in survey methodology and have a strong drive in learning new skills.

We are offering a one year internship with a possibility of employment contract, engagement in prestigious international projects, daily use of English and innovative working environment.

CHE Consult Prague s.r.o. is a leading-edge company in the field of internationalisation management and measuring student mobility impact. By introducing psychometric methods into exchange mobility management we open up new horizons for higher education quality management. CHE Consult Prague conducts large research projects and studies on various topics, including the Europe-wide projects of the Erasmus Impact Study (2016) or a currently running evaluation of the European Voluntary Service.

Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Kind regards

Michaela Klicnikova
Project manager
CHE Consult Prague
Impact Hub
Drtinova 557/10
CZ-150 00 Praha 5

Torne-se perito do SGroup em coooperação latinoamericana

  21 de novembro de 2016


(as published in the SGroup News Bulletin 158)

In order to strengthen the SGroup’s global engagement the Executive Committee decided to capitalise on the member's’ presence and experience in Latin America and on the established contacts with HEIs and HE organisations, like FAUBAI association to bring together the SGroup’s members and their peers in LA with the aim of achieving common goals and capacity building.

In consultation with FAUBAI, the SGroup Network has identified possible new initiatives that can structure the co-operation better to achieve common goals and build necessary capacities. To this end, starting from 2017, the SGroup would like to propose the following activities:

  • Set up a pool of experts in LA relations and collaboration composed from individual members from SGroup’s universities and their peers in LA;
  • Promote academic mobility for administrators and academic staff from our members who can go for study visits in LA universities to investigate further co-operation opportunities, such as project activities or collaboration agreements; The mobility will be implemented within the framework of the Inter-Continental Academic Exchange Programme (ICon);
  • Joint collaboration within the framework of agreed thematic groups;
  • Consultancy activities for partners from both regions;
  • Joint projects.

Individual representatives of our member institutions can sign up as experts for the Think Tank indicating their field of expertise and share ideas on how to improve the links with LA. To become the SGroup's Expert in LA relations please fill in this form.

Oferta de estágio na Robert Bosch España S.L.U.

  16 de novembro de 2016


We are currently looking for an intern in the Sales/Customer Service department for our branch in Madrid. Here you can find the description. 

We would be happy to offer one of your students this internship, and we would be greatful if you could pass it on to your students.

In case of interest, I will be glad to receive CVs through this email:

Muy atentamente / Best regards
Julia Pfeiffer
Robert Bosch España S.L.U.
C/ Hermanos García Noblejas 19, Madrid
Tel. +34(91)4104116

Estágios na Universitat de Vic (Espanha)

  15 de novembro de 2016


Dear Partners,

We would like to inform you that University of Vic – Central University of Catalonia will be pleased to welcome International students, from our partner universities, for a traineeship period within our University.

In our web  you will find our available offers for next semester (starting January/February 2017). If these traineeship offers could be of the interest of yours students, we kindly ask you to distribute this information to them.

Interested students are asked to complete the application form and forward it to both and to the contact person, described in each offer, together with their CV and motivation letters before the 15th December 2016.

Best regards from Vic,

Núria Costa
Career Services / Servei de Carreres Professionals

Universitat de VicUniversitat Central de Catalunya
Universitat Central de Catalunya
Casa Convalescència . C/ Dr. Junyent 1
08500 Vic
Tel.+34 938 81 5533 (8538) /

Programa de estágios na Universidad Finis Terrae, Santiago de Chile

  15 de novembro de 2016


Dear colleagues,

With great pleasure I send you the information on the International Relation Office's Internship Program at Finis Terrae University, Santiago of Chile.

We'll be glad to receive your students to do a period of internships in the areas of:

  • Student Exchagne
  • Buddy Program
  • Marketing, Communication & Sales
  • Graphic Communication
  • Audiovisual communication

The students  participating in the program will receive housing in a shared (twin) room and lunch from Monday to Friday.

Please find here the program.

Kind regards,
Enrique Moreno
Relaciones Internacionales
Universidad Finis Terrae
Av. Pedro de Valdivia 1509
Santiago - Chile
+56 2 2420 7431

Estágio no âmbito do Serviço Voluntário Europeu

  14 de novembro de 2016


A Associação YUPI é uma associação acreditada para o envio de jovens portugueses no âmbito do Serviço Voluntário Europeu, financiado pelo programa Erasmus + da Comissão Europeia.

De momento, temos aprovado um projeto para a Grécia, com a duração de 10 meses, na área da comunicação e multimédia que poderá ser de interesse.

Para qualquer esclarecimento e informações adicionais, contacte-nos através de: / 252 376 356 / 92 711 35 21.

Estagiário intérprete italiano - português

  14 de novembro de 2016


Good morning,
We are an italian company. We produce products for cleaning and stain removing, for the protection and the maintenance of marble, stone, granite.
We are looking for an intern interpreter who speaks Italian - Portuguese.
Please contact us.
C.P.A. Valentina Gatti
Via Del Mulino, 25 Z.A.
64039 - Penna Sant’Andrea (TE)
MOB. + 39 340.9112414
TEL. + 39 0861.650578 / FAX. +39 0861.1755862 –

Programa "TIME TO TEACH"

  14 de novembro de 2016


"TIME TO TEACH" é um programa oficial, criado pelo Ministério da Educação do Equador que visa melhorar o ensino do inglês nas escolas públicas.

Assim, o Equador está a recrutar voluntários para ir e ensinar inglês por períodos de 10 ou 6 meses. Procuram professores, recém-licenciados ou estudantes de licenciatura no último ano de estudos (em qualquer disciplina). O principal requisito é ter um certificado reconhecido internacionalmente de conhecimentos de inglês nível B2.

O programa prevê a viagem (ida e volta para posições de longo prazo), seguro, visto, um subsídio, alojamento e refeições em famílias de acolhimento, etc.

Mais informações disponíveis no site do Ministério da Educação do Equador.

Vaga: Técnico de Relações Internacionais

  8 de novembro de 2016


Location: National Taiwan University
Unit: Office of International Affairs
Service: Professional Services
Hours: Full-time
Salary Range: NTD 31,000-47,000

National Taiwan University
National Taiwan University, the flagship of Taiwan’s higher education and one of the top-ranking institutions in Asia, provides top-notch education and cutting-edge research in 54 departments and 109 graduate institutes in 11 colleges. The University Spirit-Virtue, Diligence, Fidelity, Philanthropy- mandates self-improvement as well as commitment to the betterment of the society and of humanity in general.
This opportunity suits any individual with professional oral and writing English/Chinese skills. The incumbent will support translation, communication, publication, presentations and reports internally and externally. Planning programs and preparing documents efficiently are also required.
A bachelor or a master’s degree in humanities or other fields.

High proficiency of English and Chinese.
Years of experience working in higher education or administration would be desirable.
IT Skills
Good knowledge of software programs, including Microsoft Office, Excel and PowerPoint.
Additional Information
Required documents: a cover letter, bilingual Chinese/ English biography & CV and relevant documents, including scanned degree(s)/ diploma(s) or certificate(s). Selected candidates will be notified by email for further interview conducted at Office of International Affairs, National Taiwan University.

Closing Date: 01 December, 2016 

國立臺灣大學 國際事務處
Office of International Affairs
National Taiwan University
No. 1, Sec 4, Roosevelt Rd, Taipei 10617, Taiwan
T: +886 (0)2 3366 2007
F: +886 (0)2 2362 0096